Please come and join us to see the #Turkic Heritag…
Please come and join us to see the #Turkic Heritage [...]
Please come and join us to see the #Turkic Heritage [...]
Ahf is organizing Turkic Canadian Convention on Monday, December 2nd [...]
+++ successful in delivering this message to the broader public. [...]
Dr. Lachemi: Enginering is about making life more easier, sustainable, [...]
CONGRATS to @Dialog_Institut for the conference RELIGIONS AND SOCIAL INNOVATION [...]
CONGRATS @TuncayBabali: İstanbul has won bid to host 2017 #WorldPetroleumCongress [...]
AHF - Ottawa branch opening cremony @IDI_Ottawa…”
SHALOOM.SALAAM TORONTO peacetalks with Torontonian friends @KervanTurkishGrill. @IDIGTA"
We are inviting everyone to the opening ceremony of new [...]
" @Ottawa turkish festival on ctv…”