Embrace Islamic Society Family Dinner
Socialization is a step-by-step process in which a baby learns the principles, ways of life, customs and rules of his society. Sociologists define it as the process of inheriting the cultural beliefs and ideologies of their society. In most cases, the impact on family socialization regardless of its type or size is very influential. For most people, the family marks the beginning of socialization. It helps young people absorb their culture and identify it with their community. Families also give young members their social status. The family influences the social relationships of any community. It is presented as a constructive social element of the structure of any community. Families are also seen as agents of sociological change when it comes to patterns of exchanging ideas. The family has many beliefs about how the family should exchange ideas and relate to each other.
Embrace Islamic Society, in this regard, organized a family dinner to bring families together from different communities. The main focus of the dinner is building bridges and promoting multicultural exchange between the parents. Creating awareness about the youth hitches and sharing the experience on how to keep kids and youth away from getting into those troubles.