IDI organizes a small number of intercultural study trips every year for people of influence in the community such as members of parliaments, representatives of NGOs, professors, bureaucrats and businessmen. This year groups from GTA, Ottawa and Edmonton have either travelled to Turkey and Azerbaijan as part of the intercultural study trips. Early in May, a group comprising of Pickering City Councillor Kevin Ashe, Karen O’Brien from Ontario Ministry of Health, business consultant Ritu Bhasin, UofT Professor Jane Gaskell, Activist Margrit Eichler, Peel School Board Superintendent Carol Speers, Communications Director of UofT Engineering Faculty, Catherine Riddell, and Waterloo Region Police Officer Kimberley Gingrich visited Istanbul, Izmir, Kayeri, and Cappadocia in Turkey as well as Baku in Azerbaijan. During the trip, students enjoyed two seminars on diversity in workplace presented by Ritu Bhasin at Qafqaz University in Azerbaijan, and Gediz University in Izmir.