“The atmosphere at the Ramada Plaza Calgary Airport banquet room was multi-cultural, tolerant and engaging — understandably so, as it held the city’s 2nd Annual Interfaith Dinner. Malik Muradov, Executive Director of Intercultural Dialogue Institute Calgary introduced this year’s theme: Religious Perspectives on Racism. A short video on how each world religion has a version of The Golden Rule set the tone. After dinner, religious leaders from local Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities gave thought-provoking and respectful presentations of their faith’s philosophies and practices toward this timely topic. It was gratifying to hear three of Calgary’s prominent religions align themselves with the message that racism simply cannot be tolerated, not by Calgarian congregations, Canadians or the world at large. “We are not races, but peoples,” was the common message. A discussion followed with participants challenging presenters in a lively and respectful manner. Whether a speaker, questioner, or listener, all attendees left with their thoughts strengthened about the importance of eradicating the dissention, harm and violence racism causes if we are to continue evolving in our global world.”